Relationships (of any kind)
One of my favorite things to ask people are two questions:
“What was your
high this week?”
“What was your
low this week?”
It’s my way of making a conscious
effort to engage with a person on a very intimate level. These two simple questions can give you
insight into what makes a person tick, what makes them happy, what really bums
them out. It’s powerful information that
helps develop a relationship because typically immediately after I ask these
two questions, I receive the same in return.
Which inevitably sparks my own self reflection of the past week. Although it is important to remind yourself
to focus on the positive and think of ways to overcome the negative.
On a more Romantic Note….
I came across a blog called Today's Letters.
Which displays the same notions of asking
questions in order to express needs & wants:
1. How did you feel loved this past week?
2. What does your upcoming week look like?
3. How would you feel most loved & encouraged in the days ahead?
4. How can I pray for you this week?
Definitely a model to uphold when in a serious relationship,
because just as many things in life, too often things go wrong due to poor/ lack of communication (I can put my own testimony on this as a Project Manager!).
Five Love Languages
Lastly, my boyfriend read a book called The 5 Love Languages by
Dr. Gary Chapman. As my reading list is growing by the day (Hunger Games, The
Pact, Bible in a Year, etc.) I decided to just get the run down from him.
According to Dr. Chapman, a primary way of expressing and
interpreting love is through the five love languages. By identifying what love languages you and
your significant other need, it can be a powerful way to know how to effectively
express your love for one another. And
not so suprising, people are usually drawn to those who speak a different love
Find out your Love Languages, take the assessment