Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Dream Mysteries Decoded"

I recently read an article called “Dream Mysteries Decoded” by Lisa Collier Cool, and I was instantly intrigued! 

1. Is Lucid Dreaming for Real? 
In a study called “Practicing a Motor Task in a Lucid Dream Enhances Subsequent Performance: A Pilot Study,” 20 participants were asked to toss dimes into a cup in the evening, then try to do this task in their dream.  Seven volunteers were able to successfully do so and thus, the next morning were able to be more success at tossing coins than those who were unable to practice in their dreams.  

I definitely need to practice winning the lotto in my dreams! TONIGHT!

2. What don’t you remember your dreams? 
Dreams escape us quickly after we wake up, according to scientists we forget 95% or more of our dreams! And if you do remember your dream, 90% of their content is lost within 10 minutes of waking.

With this said, I have been blessed (or cursed!) with frequent dream remembrance.  Thus, for your enjoyment, over the past few weeks I have been writing down my dreams right when I wake up!  I have intertwined them below.

3. What triggers nightmares?  
Nightmares may indicate a call to action-- you know, those unresolved issues that make you fearful or anxious.

I recently had a nightmare, which involved a project I’m currently working on.  The president of the company was explaining to me that he accidently showed our current client a chart with information that they shouldn't have known, and he turns to me and says “That’s it, this project is going to fail!”  I really really hope this dream doesn't come true, as this particular project has been a source of pain & anxiety for me!

4.  Why do some dreams seem so real that you wake up laughing or crying? 
Vivid dreams tend to occur near the time you wake up, and some areas of the brain, that process emotions and visual images are actually more active when you’re dreaming = emotional smack in the face.  That is why you can waking up laughing and crying!

I’m sitting here (about 5 minutes, 47 seconds) and for the life of me I cannot remember the last dream I had waking up crying or laughing, I guess I take back my commentary on #2! Dang fading dreams!

5.  What are recurring dreams telling you? 
“One technique to unlock the hidden meaning is writing down the recurring dream, plus the first three experiences, events, or stories that pop into your mind when you think about the people and objects in the dream, even if the three stories don’t seem to be obviously connected to your dream. Then analyze the stories for recurring themes and emotions.”

I have a recurring dream about a math class in college/high school where I keep forgetting to go to class and if I do remember it’s on a test day and I don’t know any of the material and ultimately fail.  This leads to me not graduating! It I used the technique suggested above, this dream makes me think of my senior year of college where I never showed up to a class because it was pass/fail (Don’t worry, in real life, I passed!).  This dream also makes me think of anxiety and it makes me think of home. There ya go- now all of you can psychoanalyze me!

6. Can dreams predict the future?
Lisa Collier Cool, a health reporter, has interviewed many people who were alerted to hidden health problems due to recurring dreams that they were dying or ill.

No dreams about death of illness for me….“PHEW!”

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