Thursday, May 10, 2012

"Intelligence Is Overrated: What You Really Need to Succeed"

 According to Forbes (Keld Jenson):
It was estimated that Albert Einstein's IQ was 160.  But even more important than your IQ is your Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Moral Intelligence (MQ), and Body Intelligence (BQ) when it comes to determining a person's success and professional achievement.

Although IQ indicates one's logical reasoning ability and technical intelligence, it is by no means a way to show that you will out-shine everyone else.  Carnegie Institute of Technology conducted a study that shows that "85 percent of your financial success is due to skills in “human engineering,” your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. Shockingly, only 15 percent is due to technical knowledge."

Emotional Intelligence
EQ is the ability to be aware of your own feelings and those of others, regulating these feelings, using appropriate emotions for a particular situation, self-motivation,  and building relationships.

Top Tip for Improvement: Learn to cope with stress as it can cloud your ability to have increased emotional intelligence.
  •  I would also like to add, that I think you should take the time to analyze a situation from another points of view and understand why people are reacting as the are and also what you can do for them in order to make them successful as well.
Moral Intelligence
MQ deals with your integrity, responsibility, sympathy, and forgiveness. Interestingly enough, the way in which you treat yourself is the way other people will treat you! You must keep commitments, maintain your integrity, and be honest.

Top Tip for Improvement: Take responsibility for your actions, express sympathy and respect when communicating with others, learn to forgive, and tolerate shortcomings of others.
  •   From my perspective, these are the basics.  But I also think you have to a grounding that keeps your moral intelligence high.  Whether this is through family tradition, religion, or elsewhere, it is important to have a reference point of how you should be acting.
Body Intelligence
BQ is what you know about your body, our feelings about it, and the way we take care of it. Essentially it comes down to getting enough rest, exercising, eating healthy, and listening to when your body is not in equilibrium.  Body intelligence is important to your work because it dictates your feelings, thoughts, self-confidence, energy level, etc.

Top Tip For Improvement: Truly listen to the messages your body is sending you about your health. Monitoring your weight, practicing good nutrition, and making sure you have enough down time!
  •  I can not stress the importance of BQ enough! People often call me "grandma" because I make an effort to be in bed by 9/10pm so I can be up at 5/6am to workout, cook breakfast, and make a lunch.  In addition to this routine, I have cut down on my consumption of alcohol and make sure I spend at least 5 hours a week doing "low-key, me activities."  And I can't tell you how great I feel when I'm sticking to this vs. when I'm not! 
Click Here to Read More!

1 comment:

  1. Check out "The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book" by Bradberry and Greaves. Awesome book... it also comes with a code so you can take an online EQ test.
